Inside, my studio is ever changing. As my creative muse evolves and my inventory grows so does the space in which I create.

When I started my jewelry making journey, I had a small desk that I had refurbished a while back set up in the corner of our bedroom. Our bedroom is on the second floor and looks out over our back garden. There is a very large, very old Burr Oak Tree next to the window.
While working on jewelry and gazing out the window from time to time, I told Greg I felt like I was up in a treehouse. And that’s how Judy’s Treehouse came to be.
I’ve moved from that little corner spot in our bedroom and landed in this studio. I’ve moved furniture around, a lot, and finally found a set up that allows my creativity to flow. Yes, I really do need and use all of this space. I’ve borrowed furniture from other rooms in the house to build this space. My worktable is comprised of two old wardrobes and bookshelves supporting two large sheets of plywood. Inexpensive and so perfect. I can hammer and saw and sand on it and not worry about ruining an expensive piece of furniture. I even write on it as ideas pop into my head or to jot down a necklace length that works perfect for this or that type of style.
My photos have evolved over the years yet can still be a challenge to get the perfect lighting throughout the day to best display the pieces I create. I find that a plain white background best displays the characteristics of each piece and the mannequin helps give a visual on approximately length and size. I find this small corner of my studio is the most beneficial place to achieve the best quality photos (from an amateur photographer).
I’ve expanded my tool box, my bead stash, and supplies. The items I make are each stored individually in plastic bags, categorized and stored in large plastic lidded containers. This keeps them from becoming damaged or exposed to elements that can cause them to become tarnished or dirty.
Slowly but surely Judy’s Treehouse is evolving into one of my best loved hangouts. Sometimes a bit cluttered when I’m in creative mode but definitely a well loved space that allows creativity to flourish.