The weather here in Central Illinois has been almost fall like the past few weeks.
The A.C. has been turned off!
Open windows tease and tantalize all of my senses; a cool breeze, fluttering curtains, fresh air, scents from my gardens, sunshine on my hardwood floors, shadow art, crickets, locust, and frog bands warming up for the night, dinner on the front porch with veggies and herbs from my garden…….. A few of life’s simple pleasures bring me such joy……..
Being outside on my porch. Seeing the peaceful beauty of butterflies, bugs and hummingbirds (to name a few) as they flutter and fuss around my front yard garden.
Watching my chicks and fancy rooster waddle and cluck around the yard. They are such a hoot!
My gardens! Ever changing and preparing for fall. Mums, Indian Corn, Sunflowers, Gourds, and Pumpkins! And my zinnias…….a must have every year! Bursts of bright colors and the butterflies love them!
Amazing and intricate architecture in nature! Like this little birds nest I found on the ground and cool (albeit creepy) spider webs!
Magazines in the mail advertising cool stuff! Especially for Halloween and Christmas! Two favorites for decorating!
Shadow art and other eye catching creations from the sun streaming through my windows
Dinner Al Fresco! With someone I love!
Enjoying the fruits of my labor!
These are a few of my favorite things!
Every day we are blessed with the abundance that God has created for all of us to enjoy! Life is full of simple pleasures!
Carpe’ Diem!
Peace, Love, Joy and Enjoy!