Nothing like a little mid March snow in the Midwest…….
Snow in Frederick March 13, 2017
and some ripe bananas………to inspire some creative cooking…..
Banana Muffins
So, this morning after I made a batch of these delicious “Banana Pecan Crunch Muffins” (I found the recipe on Pinterest) I headed out to take some pictures of the snowy scene happening just outside my door. Might be the last one of the year……..but then again……..
While aiming my camera to get the perfect shot, I noticed some movement up the hill……
Fox on the hill
Yep, orange fur, fluffy tail and crouched down low to the ground. Thank goodness he/she was heading in the direction opposite my chicken coop……..which reminded me of a story I had written for my grandkids a few years back.
I titled it “A Rooster Came To Stay” and put my own self publishing/printing/book binding “skills” to work and created little story “books” for them. So here goes, another tale “From The Tractor Seat” written by me during harvest seasons over the years gone by.
All of the photographs in the book, except for the pictures of the “varmints” and fox were taken by me or my husband, Greg, here at our farm. The varmints and fox photos were found on the internet (and I take not credit for them).
So here goes my silly little story………make sure you use your best grandma, chicken and rooster voices when you’re reading it 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day! And Be Inspired!!!