Copper Jewelry – Copper Cuff Rose Ring by Judy’s Treehouse

Handmade copper ring with rose
Handmade copper ring with rose

I recently had the pleasure of creating a custom order for a friend who happened across a picture of some rings I had posted on my Facebook page, JudysTreehouse.

I was a little nervous going into production as it had been a while since I had made these and hadn’t made many in the past.    I also wanted to add a little something extra special for her to the design.

Handcrafting jewelry usually results in each item being unique and different.   Depending on the design, you may not always get an exact duplicate of something you’ve made in the past.    You can try to replicate a piece but usually they come out with slight differences.    This is what makes handmade pieces so unique and special.  Then there are  those “oops moments” when you unintentionally mess something up; cut a piece to short, make a wonky wrap, break a bead, snap a wire, etc.     So, I decided to make two rings, just in case.

the band before sanding
the band before sanding

The first step was to cut the band.     I used 20 gauge copper.      After the cut, I then sanded the piece to smooth the edges, top and bottom.

applying the design to be etched into the metal
applying the design to be etched into the metal

The next step was applying the design I wanted to etch into the metal.

after the etching process
after the etching process

Etching the metal takes patience and practice.     Sometimes an air bubble can ruin your design.     Leaving the metal in the solution too long can result in the metal becoming too thin for the project.    Not leaving it in long enough can leave you with a partial uneven design or not enough of the design showing through.     In this case, it turned out perfect!

after the patina process
after the patina process

Applying the patina is my favorite part of the process.     I used a butane torch to heat the metal to create the patina.     As you can see, each piece turned out entirely different.     This is another process where patience and practice develops your skill level.    I absolutely love the colors that developed in each of the bands.

shaping the band
shaping the band

The next step was shaping the band around the ring mandrel.     Using a rubber or rawhide mallet keeps the metal from being damaged.   Hammering the metal not only gives it the desired shape and ring size but it also strengthens the metal helping it to maintain its form.

the ring bands
the ring bands
ready to add the stone
ready to add the stone

I knew my customer wanted a light blue rose but I wanted to consult with her on the band color since they were both so different.    She chose the one on the left in the above photo.

The completed rings
The completed rings

The next step was to wire wrap the stone to the ring.     Again, wrapping the wire and getting a secure fit takes time and practice.     I started on the ring she hadn’t chosen because I wanted to practice my wrap and determine the wire design.

I was happy with the design and set out on the ring for Dianalynne.     It came out perfectly…….BUT……….     To help tighten and secure the wire, I had taken my pliers to the wire wrap on the underside of the band to give the wire a little twist.    My pliers slipped and I gouged the wire!    The wire was damaged but still secure and appeared to be sturdy enough…….BUT…….it did not meet the standards of quality I do my best to attain with each of my creations.

I was so devastated.   The initial wire wrap had turned out so perfectly!   I was afraid a second attempt wouldn’t turn out as well.     I had to put the ring down and just walk away from it.     So, I went shopping.    But, all I could think about was the ring and how I wanted to handle the situation.     I came up with a few thoughts, bounced them off of my husband but in the end I knew what I had to do.

I had to believe in myself and my abilities.    So, I removed the damaged wire and set to rewrapping the ring……..and low and behold it turned out beautifully.

I was happy with myself  and I had one happy customer.

I still have the other blue ring available for purchase.     It is a size 7.    I have not listed it in my Etsy shop, but if you are interested you can contact me and I will create a custom order for you.

I’m out of blue gemstone roses and my original supplier no longer has them in stock.    But I do have many other colors in my stash and anticipate more rose rings coming soon to Judystreehouse.

Sometimes you just have to trust in yourself.     You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

From The Tractor Seat – Turkey On The Hill

Wild Turkey on The Farm Aug 2016
Wild Turkey on The Farm Aug 2016

Turkey On The Hill

  • Turkey don’t come down here
  • I say this every year
  • Cause Grandma’s got her roaster out
  • Thanksgiving Day is near
  • Turkey don’t come down here
  • Stay very far away
  • Cause Grandpa’s got his shotgun out
  • It’s almost turkey day
  • Why’s there roast beef on the table
  • They say its turkey day
  • There’s no drumstick, there’s no wishbone
  • Cause that turkey got away

Written by Judy Rebman, From The Tractor Seat, October 27, 2013


From The Tractor Seat…..By Judy Rebman

Personally Published!
Personally Published!

I have always wanted to be a writer.    I guess you could say I am a writer.    I do write……a lot!    So let me rephrase that.    I have always wanted to be a published author.

Early on I started writing poetry.    Was told I was pretty good at it, too.     Took creative writing classes in high school and advanced English classes.     Don’t know how much of that learning has stuck with me over the years.    Pretty sure my punctuation and grammar and sentence structure are not spot on.    BUT, I say if you have a story to tell, tell it.     Write it the way you want.    Use your voice.     Use whatever words resonate with you.     Punctuate where and when you want!

The thought of someone editing my work sends chills up and down my spine.    Sure, they may be able to say something better or maybe just differently than what I have written.    They may change my verbs and adjectives, add or delete words, change my punctuation marks which then could change the emotion I had put into a particular sentence or paragraph.

Oh yea, and paragraphs!    I’m not always sure where the proper breaks should be made.    So I make them where I want them.    And, if it sounds good to me, that is where they stay.

Editors, agents, publishers.     They may help me to become a better writer but I still want and need my own voice to be found in my writing.

When I left my job in the corporate world I thought I would finally have the time to write my stories.     And, I did have the time.     But, I soon learned that writing wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be.      Here is an example of my days spent writing:

  • staring at a blank page on a computer screen
  • creating a title for my book before I had even written a word
  • starting a story page that might go something like this…..   She found herself high on a hill in the middle of the night.      Then that would be it.    I’d find myself frozen at the keyboard and empty of words.   Not thoughts, my mind is always flittering away, just no words flowing from my thoughts through my fingertips onto the pate
  • searching the web for articles on “how to write a…..” fill in the blank
  • searching the web for articles on purple prose
  • searching the web for articles on how to get published
  • getting up from the computer and putting in a load of laundry
  • back to staring at a blank page on a computer screen
  • starting to write a story page that might go something like this…..   Her butt was sore from sitting at her desk in front of a blank computer screen all day while thinking to write the next best selling novel of all time.
  • getting up from the computer and emptying  the dishwasher
  • making lunch
  • reading a book that will take me to that pivotal point where character, plot, and story flow easily from my mind, through my fingers, to my blank page.

You get the gist.    And, if you’ve ever tried to write, you can probably relate.

After a year of repeating the above steps, having a few starter pages and even a chapter or two for the worlds next best selling novel, I threw in my towel, walked away from my computer screen and opted for different avenues in which to release my creative urges.

Over the past eight years I’ve taught myself to garden; herbs, vegetables and flowers.    I’ve tried my hand at a little interior decorating; ripping up carpets and refinishing the stairway, painted and repainted walls and ceilings (I can now paint edges without taping!).    Refurbished some old furniture pieces.    Read and reread a LOT of books.      And, started creating jewelry and my very own small business!

But, I still have this gnawing urge to write.      Which takes me to my title page for this post, From the Tractor Seat – By Judy Rebman.

When I first started driving the tractor and became the grain cart operator during harvest I was a nervous wreck.    Afraid I would not be where I needed to be, would not be able to “dump on the go”, would spill grain when I was loading the truck.     I would sit in the tractor at attention, listening intently over the hand held radios to be called into action.     I would not have any distractions in the tractor; no radio, no phone, no books.   Nothing to do but sit and wait and think.   Long days and sometimes quite boring I’m sorry to say.

Over the years as I developed my skills with grain cart operations I became more at ease and confident in my farming responsibilities.     I began taking a blank notepad and pen with me and would write from my little tractor cab office cubicle.    Short poems or stories arising from my thoughts or things I would see in the field;  a grasshopper, a mouse, trash along the roadway.

The more I wrote from my little sterile environment where the only interruptions where my call to field duty, the more relaxed I became with my writing and the easier the words would flow from my mind to my fingertips onto the blank page.

I didn’t worry about what other people would think, or proper grammar, punctuation, and purple prose.    I just wrote what came freely to me at that particular moment.    And I enjoyed seeing my little stories evolve.

And so came my first publication!    From the Tractor Seat and A Rooster Came To Stay are my self-published, first edition, storybooks.     I gathered up some of the stories I’d written from my seat in the tractor over a few harvest seasons, printed my pages, added some photos and illustrations, hand bound the books, and presented them to my grandsons, Alej and Christian.    There are only three copies in circulation, I gave copies to my dad, too.       And you know what, I’m pretty proud of this accomplishment.     No, they are not on the best seller list but they are an heirloom I created for my grandsons and grandbabies yet to be that may someday be passed down from generation to generation.       No editors, no agents, no publishers.    Just my words, in my voice, my style of writing without a care in the world as to whether or not they are grammatically correct or perfect as per some others’ standards.   Just a few little stories and poems that I hope will bring a laugh, a smile, or a small bit of joy to someone’s world.

I will be sharing some of these little poems and stories here on my website.    Maybe you will enjoy them.    I hope so.    Maybe you will criticize and judge them.    That is your prerogative.

All I can say is that I love to write so I am going to write and who knows……someday you might just find me on that best seller list.

Follow your dreams!    Don’t get in the way of yourself.       And, certainly, don’t let others block your path.      Feel free to be who you want to be and you will become that person!

Flower Power!

Bright and Cheery!
Bright and Cheery!

Love these!!!!      Just listed these lovely  necklaces today @ Judy’       Limited supply.    Each necklace is unique and lovely.

I found a few of these pretty Mother of Pearl (a.k.a. MOP) carved shell flower pendants a while back and, as is my usual habit, had to get them.     At first, wasn’t sure how I was going to incorporate them into my jewelry designs.

Although the flower pendants are beautiful enough to dangle alone from a long chain, I wanted to create something more unique with them.

It took a while but they finally took form in these colorful and flashy tassel necklaces.     Flashy, bold, colorful statement necklaces!

#tasselnecklaces #handcraftedjewelry #judystreehouse #longeclecticnecklaces #flowerpower #hippiestyle #gypsysoul #bohemian #bohochic #jewelryboutique #shabbychic #flowerjewelry #exoticjewely #statementneckalces #longnecklaces #fashionjewelry #jewelrytrends @judystreehouse

And so ends Harvest 2016


The corn has been picked and the soybeans been cut.     And so ends Harvest 2016……for the most part.       As the official grain cart operator here at Rebman Farms, my harvest duties for the year are complete.       Greg has wrapped up planting a few more cover crops; oats, radish, and turnips.      There’s still a little field work left to do, equipment needing a few repairs, washed and stored for the winter, and, of course, loads of paperwork, marketing, bookkeeping, preparing for next year and such.

We’ve been blessed with another wonderful harvest.      Everyone safe, no major breakdowns (but two close calls), and good crops.

Leaves are changing, weather is still unseasonably warm for November but the nights and early mornings are getting cold.


Now its time to get the outside chores wrapped up.      Pulling weeds and flowers past their prime, raking leaves, putting up tools, and storm windows.    But the days are beautiful so the chores are less taxing.

Major weed pile
Major weed pile

Getting back into my creative mode.     Working on a few new pieces, getting them photographed and listed in my etsy shop.      Christmas will be here before we know it.

But, before then, may we all be grateful for our blessings and  enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends and those who may need our kindness and a helping hand.

Soon we will be cozy before the fireplace, warm sweaters, boots, hot cocoa, warm blankets, comfort foods, and snow flurries.      These are a few of my favorite things.